

Research of Broadband Gain Spectrum of SBS Based Direct Modulation
摘要 提出了一种展宽受激布里渊散射(SBS)增益谱的新方法.信号发生器产生的伪随机序列(PRBS)被分成两路,其中一路经过延时器后与另一路再经过异或运算后对激光器进行调制.仿真结果证明,在相同的注入电流下,用该方法得到的激光器的功率谱带宽为11.2 GHz,与用单路伪随机序列调制得到的3.9 GHz的功率谱带宽相比,可调谐范围更大.在10 Gb/s的伪随机序列的调制下,用该方法测得SBS增益谱带宽达到11 GHz,在16dB的布里渊增益下,100 ps的脉冲信号延时了54 ps,脉冲展宽约为45%,相对延时为0.54. A novel method to broaden the gain spectrum of SBS based on direct modulation is presented.The PRBS from a signal generator is split into two parts in which one part is delay.The laser is modulated by the combination of the two parts through XOR.Simulation demonstrates that 11.2 GHz bandwidth of the power spectrum of laser is obtained by using this approach,and it is much larger than that of 3.9 GHz by using single PRBS at same injection current.11 GHz of SBS gain spectrum is achieved by the modulation of 10 Gb/s PRBS.Under the 16 dB of Brillouin gain,54 ps time delay of 100 ps signal pulse was achieved.The pulse broaden ratio is 45% and the fractional delay is up to 0.54.
出处 《南开大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期25-29,共5页 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis
基金 天津市自然科学基金(08JCYBJC14400)
关键词 受激布里渊散射(SBS) 伪随机序列(PRBS) 增益谱 延时 脉冲展宽 stimulated Brillouin scattering(SBS) pseudo random sequence bit(PRBS) gain spectrum delay pulse broadening
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