基于车间作业计划(Production ActivityControl,PAC)是企业生产计划的最终环节,且其对制造领域里的经营管理效率起着支撑作用,因此针对当前企业存在的诸多问题,在系统分析了作业的特点以及对PAC编制的来源及过程的总结基础上,科学地归纳出制造业领域的车间作业计划(PAC)与调度流程,并给出了相应的评价标准和调控措施.
The Production Activity Control (Production Activity Control, PAC) is the enterprise production plan of the final link of manufacturing operation and management in the field of play a supporting role efficiency. In view of the current enterprise, there are many problems on system anal- ysis, the characteristics of the operation process and the source and process of PAC based on the summary of science In the paper Production Activity Control(PAC) and schedu- ling process are induced. And the corresponding evaluation standards and control measures are given out.
Group Technology & Production Modernization