以吉林橄榄石为原料,采用酸溶—沉淀法制备白炭黑,探索以橄榄石为原料制备白碳黑的生产过程及方法。白炭黑的扫描电镜(SEM)分析显示形成了团聚状的无定型白炭黑;傅立叶转换红外光谱(FT-IR)显示了1 065cm-1的O—Si—O键的非对称伸缩振动峰;N2吸附实验表明白炭黑比表面积为127m2/g。白炭黑样品符合国标GB10517—89橡胶配合剂沉淀水合二氧化硅的技术指标要求。
The method of preparing amorphous silica from the dissolution of Jilin olivine in hydrochloric acid via dissolving-precipitation technique has been reported in this paper.The producing process and methods in preparing silica by the materials of olivine has been explored.With the scanning by electronic microscopy(SEM),the structure feature of conglomeration and amorphous of silica was shaped;The Fourier transform infrared(FT-IR)analysis indicated that the O—Si—O asymmetric stretching band of silica was observed around 1 065cm-1;The N2 adsorption experiments prove that the silica proportion on specific surface area is 127 m2/ g.The sample of silica meets demands of international technical standard GB 10517—89.
Journal of Changchun Institute of Technology:Natural Sciences Edition