

World distribution,diagnosis and identification of ascoviruses
摘要 专性的昆虫包囊病毒ascoviruses包含一个大小为119-186kbp的环状DNA基因组。因包囊病毒感染昆虫无明显的可辨别症状,它们最近才被发现。广谱性化学农药的广泛应用降低了寄生蜂的自然种群,导致在野外依靠寄生蜂传播的包囊病毒在自然环境中尤为罕见。包囊病毒最初于20世纪80年代末在美国东南部和西部沿岸从夜蛾幼虫体内被发现。然而,在20世纪70年代,类包囊病毒颗粒ascovirus-like particles已被报道于火蚁(膜翅目)和苜蓿叶象甲(鞘翅目)体内;此外,在法国南部的美双缘姬蜂Diadromus pulchellus幼虫体内亦发现包囊病毒。这些数据表明,包囊病毒可能存在于鳞翅目,膜翅目和鞘翅目等不同目的昆虫体内;同时包囊病毒已报道于澳大利亚、印度尼西亚、法国、美国等国家,表明其分布是全球性的。有趣的是,在中国、印度、非洲等广大区域内没有包囊病毒记载。为确认其世界性的地理分布、与昆虫的协同进化,以及明确其在农业和自然环境中的生态意义,需要进一步努力从中国、印度、非洲大陆等国家和地区发现更多的包囊病毒。 Insect specific ascoviruses have a circular DNA genome in the range of 119 -186 kbp. They are only recently discovered due to no disceruable symptom of insects infected with ascovirus. Since asco- viruses are transmitted by parasitic wasps in the field, extensive applications of broad spectrum chemical insecticides reduce the populations of wasps thus lead to scarcity of ascovirus in the environment. Asco- viruses were firstly discovered in noetuid larvae in the South East and West coast of the US in the late 80's. However, in the 70's, ascovirus - like particles were also reported in fire - ants (Hymenoptera) and alfalfa weevil (Coleoptera). Furthermore, ascovirus was discovered in the larvae of Diadromus pul- chellus of Hymenoptera in southern France of Europe. These data suggest that ascoviruses might exist in different orders of insects such as Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and Coleoptera, and have a global distribu- tion. This is supported by the fact that ascoviruses have been reported in Australia, Indonesia, France, and USA. Interestingly, no ascovirus has been reported in large countries such as China, India or all of Africa. Efforts are needed to isolate more ascovirus in countries such as China and India and within the continent of Africa to confirm its world distribution, coevolution with insects, and the ecological signifi- cance in agriculture and natural environments.
出处 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期534-539,共6页 Journal of Environmental Entomology
关键词 膜翅目昆虫包囊病毒 鞘翅目昆虫包囊病毒 血淋巴颜色 脂肪体细胞裂解 脂肪体液滴 hymenopteran ascovirus coleopteran ascovirus hemolymph color fat body cell cleavage fat body droplet
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