现有的波箔动压空气径向轴承实验台存在最大工作转速达不到轴承实际工作转速,无法在不影响轴承正常工作的情况下对轴承施加径向载荷,无法测量轴承的阻力距等缺点。为了全面满足波箔动压空气径向轴承的实验需要,设计一种最高转速为60 000 r/min的波箔动压空气径向轴承实验台,可以在不影响轴承正常工作的情况下对轴承施加径向载荷,可以同时测量转轴转速、轴承阻力距、转轴水平和竖直方向的位移、轴承工作温度、冷却空气的压力。
Present test rig of bump foil journal bearing has following weaknesses. The top speed of the test rig can' t reach the bearing work speed;the load can' t be applied without influence the bearing;the resistance torque can' t be measured without influence the bearing. In order to meet the requirement of bump foil journal bearing testing, a foil journal bearing test rig was developed,its max speed is 60 000 r/rain. The bearing load can be applied on the bearing without influence on the working bearing. During the test,the speed and vertical displacement of the spindle, the temperature simultaneously. of the spindle, the resistance torque of the bearing, the horizontal of the bearing and the pressure of cooling air can be measured
Lubrication Engineering