本文用瞬态光电流方法测量了纯Bi1 2 SiO2 0 (BSO)晶体的光激发截面。当脉冲宽度为 7ns、光强为1 35KW/cm2 、波长为 532纳米的脉冲激光照射BSO晶体时 ,得到瞬态光电流的上升时间为 55微秒 ,可计算出BSO晶体的光激发截面S =5 0 4× 1 0 - 2 0 cm2 。利用光激发截面的数值可得出施主浓度ND=3 2× 1 0 1 9cm- 3。
The photo-ionization cross section of the photorefractive Bi 12 SiO 20 (BSO)crystal was measured by the transient state photocurrent method.When the BSO crystal is illuminated by a 532 nm pulsed laser beam with 7 ns duration and laser power 135 KW/cm 2,the rise time constant of the transient photocurrent is 55μs.The photo-ionization cross section is S=5.04×10 -20 cm 2.