目的考察注射用头孢匹胺与注射用氯诺昔康在0.9%氯化钠注射液中的配伍稳定性。方法在[(25±1)℃]下,观察和检测两药配伍液在8 h内的外观及pH值变化,并用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定配伍液中头孢匹胺与氯诺昔康的含量变化。结果 8 h内配伍液外观、pH值及氯诺昔康的含量无明显变化,头孢匹胺含量不断下降,8 h含量为96.5%。结论室温条件下,注射用头孢匹胺与注射用氯诺昔康在0.9%氯化钠注射液中8 h内保持稳定。
Objective To evaluate the stability and compatibility of cefpiramide for injection with lornoxicam in 0.9%sodium chloride injection.Methods At room temperature[(25±1)℃],the changes in contents of cefpiramide and lornoxicam were determined simultaneously by HPLC,and the changes in appearance,pH value were observed within 8 hours.Results No significant differences were found in appearance,pH value and the content of lornoxicam for the mixed solution within 8 hours.The content of cefpiramide evidenly decreased over 8 hours,with 96.5% of the initial concentration.Conclusion The mixture of cefpiramide for injection with lornoxicam in 0.9%sodium chloride injection at ambient temperature is stable within 8 hours.
Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal
十堰市科学技术研究与开发计划项目(No 2010ST45)