本文借助数理统计方法科学地进行了一系列关于氯菊酯残留萃取方案的设计与优化验证。针对毛制品的纤维表面性能 ,选择、确定了能够满足羊毛湿性能的有机萃取溶剂 ,较好地消除了来自毛纤维材质及可能存在的毛纺后整理剂对GC MS分析带来的干扰。
This article describes the extraction method for permethrin residues in wool fabrics,and procedure optimum is undertaken with application of mathematical statistics.The impurity interference to GC/MS analysis from wool fiber and finishing agents were also solved with reference of selection of suitable organic solvent to meet the surface moisture characters of wool fabrics.
Journal of Suzhou Institute of Silk Textile Technology