
氧化钇弥散强化钨基复合材料的制备及其性能评价 被引量:5

Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of Yttrium Oxide Dispersion Strengthen Tungsten Composites
摘要 采用高能球磨、通氢烧结和后期热轧处理制备了W-0.5%Y2O3-1%Ti复合材料,对加工变形处理前后的W-0.5%Y2O3-1%Ti的显微组织结构和室温力学性能进行了研究。研究分析表明,采用高能球磨,可使Y2O3和Ti固溶到W中,在高温烧结的过程中,Y2O3和Ti以Y-Ti-O化合物和Ti的形式从钨基体中析出来,弥散分布在钨晶粒的晶界及其晶内。经在1 500℃左右热加工变形处理后,W-0.5%Y2O3-1%Ti的致密度显著提高,与此同时大量体积分数的穿晶断裂赋予了W-0.5%Y2O3-1%Ti复合材料较高的力学性能。实验结果表明经热轧后W-0.5%Y2O3-1%Ti的致密度、抗弯强度、维氏硬度分别可达96.7%,788.0 MPa和HV432.8。 W-0.5 wt% Y2O3-1 wt%Ti composites were fabricated through high energy ball milling, sintering and thermal processing. The results show that the Y2O3 and Ti will dissolve in the W lattice during the high energy ball. It was found that the Y-Ti-O compound and Ti disperse in the grain broundary in the process of sintering. as the second phase will be precipitated from the W and After the hot-rolling treatment, the mode of the fracture of tungsten changed from the intergranular fracture mode to a transgranular mode, which led to the high mechanical properties of ODS W. The relative density, bending strength and the Vicker's hardness of ODS WR were 96.7 %, 788.0 MPa and HV 432.8 respectively.
出处 《中国钨业》 CAS 2012年第1期40-43,共4页 China Tungsten Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(50634060) 国家磁约束核聚变能研究专项(2010GB109000)
关键词 Y2O3 Ti 热加工 tungsten Y2O3 Ti thermal processing
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