
加氢站氢气事故后果量化评价 被引量:8

Quantitative Assessment on Hydrogen Releases of Hydrogen Refueling Station by Consequence Modeling
摘要 定量研究了加氢站内物理爆炸、闪火、射流火焰和气云爆炸四种典型氢气事故后果,考察储氢压力、泄漏孔径以及风速大小对事故后果的影响规律.研究结果表明:物理爆炸和气云爆炸的有害影响距离最大,可分别作为瞬时泄漏和连续泄漏的决定性后果;物理爆炸、闪火、气云爆炸和射流火焰的有害影响距离均随着储氢压力和泄漏孔径的增大而增大,但在各个方向上的增幅表现出不同的规律;在大风天气条件下,加氢站氢气泄漏事故可造成更为严重的危害. As a new energy infrastructure for public use, the hydrogen refueling station has been developing rapidly in recent years, but the safety issue has become one of the biggest obstacles to its further development. This paper investigates the influence of storage pressure, release diameter and wind velocity on the hydrogen consequences including physical explosion, flash fire, jet fire and vapor cloud explosion. The results show that physical explosion and vapor cloud explosion are the leading consequences for instantaneous release and continuous release, respectively. The harm effect distances of all hydrogen consequences increase with the growth of release pressure and release diameter, but present different characteristics in different directions. With greater wind velocity, the hydrogen releases can produce longer harm effect distances.
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期286-291,共6页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
基金 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划(2011AA11A284 2009AA05Z118) 国家国际科技合作计划(2010DFA64080) 111引智计划(B08019)
关键词 加氢站 氢气泄漏 事故后果 量化评价 hydrogen refueling station hydrogen release consequence modeling quantitative assessment
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