生产啤酒所耗能量极高,尤其是需要大量的热能。首先要加热麦芽浆,然后将麦汁煮沸1~1.5小时,最后用水和冰水或乙二醇将麦汁冷却到发酵温度。在酿酒之前还需用热水加热麦汁等。其中,在麦汁蒸煮和麦汁冷却时会释放出大量能量,如能安装适当的能量回收设备,这些能量便可再次被利用。不论从经济或环保角度考虑,能量回收设备的使用将有助于节省生产成本,同时又减少对环境的污染和原料的浪费。 目前,啤酒厂普遍将工程设计重点放于能量回收方面,这是因为啤酒酿造的能耗实在很高,而糖化车间的节能有限;另外,在常规的酿造方法中,新的节能技术难以实施。
Brewing is an energy intensive process. Therefore energy recovery through wort boiling is an economically effective practice. Here we take a look at some possible measures as well as the equipment used. In addition, enabling a consistent amount of viable yeast to be pitched at the start of each fermentation is the critical process. Famous brewers in China are now using the 'Yeast Monitor' and 'Lab Yeast Analyser' introduced in the following article.
China Food Industry