The teleseismic receiver functions of 48 stations belonging to the CCDSN are used to invert the crustal structure beneath each station with the neighborhood algorithm. Thin layers with low velocity have been found beneath eight stations with "abnormal" observed receiver functions. Unreasonable results of few stations have been adjusted lightly with the trial-and-error method. The final result indicates that the crust in the western China is relatively thicker than the eastern China. The crust thickness beneath the Tibetan plateau is very large, which reaches 84 km at the station LSA. Double-crust structure exists below the stations LSA and CAD in Tibet, which might imply the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates. A pronounced low velocity zone in the lower crust beneath the station TNC of Yunnan province might relate to the high temperature or emergence of partially molten material caused by Quaternary volcano, magma and geothermal activities in this area. The Moho is a transitional zone made up of thin layers instead of simple sharp discontinuity beneath several stations. The Conrad discontinuity is clearly identified beneath 20 stations mainly in the southeastern China, whereas it is blurry beneath 14 stations and uncertain beneath remaining stations.
The teleseismic receiver functions of 48 stations belonging to the CCDSN are used to invert the crustal structure beneath each station with the neighborhood algorithm. Thin layers with low velocity have been found beneath eight stations with "abnormal" observed receiver functions. Unreasonable results of few stations have been adjusted lightly with the trial-and-error method. The final result indicates that the crust in the western China is relatively thicker than the eastern China. The crust thickness beneath the Tibetan plateau is very large, which reaches 84 km at the station LSA. Double-crust structure exists below the stations LSA and CAD in Tibet, which might imply the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates. A pronounced low velocity zone in the lower crust beneath the station TNC of Yunnan province might relate to the high temperature or emergence of partially molten material caused by Quaternary volcano, magma and geothermal activities in this area. The Moho is a transitional zone made up of thin layers instead of simple sharp discontinuity beneath several stations. The Conrad discontinuity is clearly identified beneath 20 stations mainly in the southeastern China, whereas it is blurry beneath 14 stations and uncertain beneath remaining stations.
supported by the basic research and development fund from Institute of Earthquake Science,China Earthquake Administration(grant No.2011IESLZ05)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant Nos.40374009and 40904014)