使用TG DTA、XRD、Mossbauer谱等方法考查了制备条件对草酸铁热分解过程的影响。结果表明 ,Fe2 (C2 O4) 3·xH2 O在氮气流中 473K下失去结晶水的同时 ,将部分转变成草酸亚铁 ,生成的草酸亚铁只有在 573K以上才开始分解 ,草酸铁则在 533K时就开始分解 ,且分解产物为超细Fe3O4粒子。
By means of such spectruns as TG DTA,XRD and Mossbauer, the author have studied the preparation conditions affecting the thermo decomposition of ferric oxalate. The result indicates that in the airflow of N 2, Fe(C 2O 4) 3·x H 2O loses crystal water at the temperature of 473K,and some of the Fe(C 2O 4) 3 is transformed into ferrous oxalate. Transformed ferrous oxalate begins to decompose at the temperature of 573K while ferric oxalate,at 533K. These products can be decomposed into ultrafine particles of Fe 3O 4.
Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry