在上一世纪 ,复合材料作为一种新材料得到了极为广泛的应用并对材料科学的研究起了重大的推动作用。从复合材料发展到多相材料是材料研究在复合材料研究的基础上的发展 ,它模糊各类材料的界限 ,它应是集各组成相材料的性能长处于一身 ,从而表现出独特的性能。它要博取各类材料的先进工艺 ,集中当前材料研究的最新成就。以满足使用上的要求为目标 ,主张用逆向思维的方式来考虑材料的研究思路 ,这将拓宽材料研究的视野。因此 ,多相材料的研究是新世纪值得注意的材料研究的新趋向。它可考虑的研究对象是陶瓷 /金属多相材料、陶瓷 /高分子材料、金属 /高分子材料、甚至三类材料之间的组合。
In last century, copmposites as a kind of new material obtained very wide application and promoted the development of material science. From the composite to multiphase material is the development of material research based on the composite studies. The multiphase material is proposed that blurs the demarcation line of various materials, collects the merits of material of composed phase and appears their peculiar performances. They would absorb the advanced processing of various materilas, and adopt the recent achievement of material research. The target is how to satisfy the request of application. It is advocated to consider the material research thinking with converse thought, which widen the field of vision. Hence, the multiphase material research is a new trend for material research and is worth to pay attention to study. The considerable research objects are ceramics/ metal, ceramics / polymer, metal/ polymer systems, even the composing of the three kinds of material.
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