新材料、新技术是当今人类历史发展阶段的鲜明特征 ,也是 2 1世纪持续发展的基石。材料科学与工程学科领域的人才培养和先进材料的研究开发一直是我国重点高等学校的重要任务之一 ,本文简要回顾中国科技大学自建校以来在新型材料与工程研究开发的历程和现况 。
New materials and technologies are the distinct characteristics of the present stage of the development in Human history as well as the basic stone for the sustaining development in the 21st century. One of the most important activities at the key universities in China is the education and research in the area of materials science and Engineering. This article gives a brief recall on the research and development of the new materials at University of Science and Technology of China as a typical point to reflect the development status in China.
World Sci-Tech R&D