Electron microscopic techniques were adopted to investigate oxide films formed on Zircaloy-2 in superheated steam at 673 and 773K. The nodular corrosion appearing on black oxide films during oxidation transition was also investigated.Monoclinic,cubic,and tetragonal lattice structures in black oxide films formed both at 673 and 773K were identified.The proportion of cubic and tetragonal phases decr- eased with increase of temperature and single monoclinic lattice struc- ture was fouhd in white oxide films after oxidation transition.It may be seen from the high resolution lattice image that the oxide crystals consist of mosaics~20 nm in size,and a larger space on(100) and(010)planes in some places might be associated with the clusters of tin atoms.The feature of oxide/metal interface at nodules was characterized by protrusions,which looked like cauliflower with ripple marks on its surface.This might occur since nodules grew much faster than surrounding oxide.Pores(<10nm)existing on triple grain boun- daries in white oxide films were observed.The model for the forma- tion of nodular corrosion proposed by the author previosly is further discussed in the light of results obtained in the present work.
Journal of Chinese Society For Corrosion and Protection