长期以来 ,隧洞开挖一直采用平齐的掌子面 ,然而在赵山渡引水工程上安隧洞和许岙隧洞进口的掘进中 ,提出了水平V形掌子面的概念 ,并得到实际应用。与平齐掌子面掘进施工相比 ,采用V形掌子面 ,大大提高了炮孔利用率 ,增加了单循环进尺 ,降低了开挖成本。本文简述了V形掌子面的概念、作用机理。
Over a long period of time, a plane working face has been using for the excavation of tunnels. However, a concept of horizontal V shape working face is proposed and applied to the excavation of Shang′an tunnel and the inlet of Xu′ao tunnel in Zhaoshandu project. Compared with the plane working face, the horizontal V shape working face has greatly increased the utilization factor of boreholes and the advance per round and reduced the excavation cost. The concept, working principle, key elements, application result of the horizontal V shape working face are outlined in this paper.
Engineering Blasting