
基于P2P网络Bitcoin虚拟货币的信用模型 被引量:20

Credit Model based on P2P Electronic Cash System Bitcoin
摘要 电子货币具有交易媒介、价值标准、价值储藏和支付手段的职能,十分适合点对点(P2P)系统的资源交换方式。比特币(Bitcoin)是一种纯P2P的虚拟货币,能够满足去中心化,预估货币流通总量,遏制通货膨胀的可能的需求。在此基础上重新引入信用机制,能够使得节点建立自己的信用,帮助优化整个货币金融环境。为此提出一种协议,允许有富余资金的节点给需要资金的节点提供信用额度,从而为其他节点提供资金周转,也为他们建立一定的信用评级。 Digital currency, with the functions of transactions media, price evaluation, value saving and payment means, is an ideal resource exchange mode. Bitcoin is pure P2P digital cash and could meet the possible requirement of decentralization and contain the inflation of money. Based on this, the trust mechanism is introduced into the system so that nodes could build their reputation and thus help is proposed, which allows the nodes with more-than-needed appliers and thus to help them build their trust evaluation optimize the whole economic environment. So a protocol money to provide trust amount and capital turnover for
作者 郑书雯 范磊
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2012年第3期72-75,共4页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
关键词 比特币 信用 点对点网络 小额付款 bitcoin trust P2P small amount of payment
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