

Anti-sybil Attack System based on Social Network Trust Weight
摘要 P2P分布式系统特别容易遭受Sybil攻击,即一个不良用户伪造多个不存在的虚假用户,与网络中普通用户进行交互,进而达到控制网络的目的。防御模型基于社会化网络的信任概念,在SybilGuard基础上提出了路由增加信任权重的方法,用以降低节点与虚假用户交易的概率,实验显示,诚实节点间的交易成功率及节点停留在安全区域内的概率得到提高,增强了系统健壮性。 Decentralized distributed systems, such as p2p systems, are particularly vulnerable to Sybil attacks. In Sybil attack, a malicious user forges multiple fake identities known as Sybil identities, thus bringing most honest nodes in the network under their control. This paper proposes a defense mechanism based on fast-mixing social networks. In a real social network human-established trust-relationship is not equal to others. And Sybil Guard is enhanced with random router trust weight, which improves the probability of nodes communication within the honest domain.
作者 刘峰 范磊
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2012年第3期78-81,共4页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
关键词 社会化网络 SYBIL攻击 信任权重 social network Syhil attack trust weight
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