榛子岭二级水电站 ,是利用我国研制的机组建成的第一座整装灯泡贯流式小型水电站 .其特点是 :整装灯泡贯流式机组的主轴通过一对锥齿轮增速器与立式发电机相连 ,解决了常规灯泡贯流式机组将发电机置于灯泡体之内所产生的结构设计及安装维护的难题 ;解决了因超低水头而使发电机尺寸过大和小型水电站机组整装难的问题 .通过对榛子岭二级水电站的研究与应用得出结论 :整装灯泡贯流式水轮机效率较轴流式水轮机增加 3% ;电站厂房机组间距、厂房宽度缩小 ,结构设计简化 ,厂房土建节省工程量 30 % ;主机安装周期较常规机组缩短近 2 /
The equipped bulb tubular turbine set has been applied to two level waterpower station of Zhenziling for the first time on the basis of performance analysis of homemade midget waterpower station. As the first midget waterpower station installed with equipped bulb tubular turbine set that was researched and developed by our country self, its features is obvious. Its main shaft connects with the vertical generator box through a pair of umbrella gear accelerator. This kind of structure resolved the dilemma of normal bulb tubular turbine unit on structure design, installation, and maintenance generated by putting generating device into bulb chamber. It also resolved the problem of huge volume of generator brought by low pressure water head, and the difficulty occurred in integrative installation of midget waterpower station. Through research and application of two level waterpower station of Zhenziling, we can draw following conclusion. The equipped bulb tubular unit increases 3% effciency than axial water turbine, saves 30% project quantity in powerhouse civil construction via simplifying the space between generator sets in factory building, width of factory, structure design, and construction, and cuts 2/3 installation period than normal generator set. The successful running of two level waterpower station of Zhenziling fills the gap in our country, benefits the project itself, moreover accumulates experiences in using equipped bulb tubular turbine set to develop and construct super low pressure small water power station.
Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering
equipped, bulb tubular, super low pressure head, two level station of Zhenziling, research