

Design of multi-functional digital chip's out buffer circuit in CMOS process
摘要 为了提高数字集成电路芯片的驱动能力,采用优化比例因子的等比缓冲器链方法,通过Hspice软件仿真和版图设计测试,提出了一种基于CSMC 2P2M 0.6μm CMOS工艺的输出缓冲电路设计方案。本文完成了系统的电原理图设计和版图设计,整体电路采用Hspice和CSMC 2P2M的0.6μm CMOS工艺的工艺库(06mixddct02v24)仿真,基于CSMC 2P2M 0.6μm CMOS工艺完成版图设计,并在一款多功能数字芯片上使用,版图面积为1 mm×1 mm,并参与MPW(多项目晶圆)计划流片,流片测试结果表明,在输出负载很大时,本设计能提供足够的驱动电流,同时延迟时间短、并占用版图面积小。 In order to improve the driving ability of the digital integrated circuit chip ,by optimizing the scale factor ratio buffer chain method,the design of output buffer circuit based on CSMC 2P2M 0.6 μm CMOS process is designed in this paper by simulation of Hspice Software and layout design testing, The paper complete system of electrical schematic design and layout design.The circuit is simulated using Hspice and the process of the CSMC 2P2M 0.6μm CMOS (06 mixddct02v24), the layout is based on CSMC 2P2M 0.6 μm CMOS and is used in a Multi-functional Digital Chip, The chip area is 1 mmxl mm. The design has been successfully implemented by participating in the plan of the Multi Project Wafer. Measurements indicate that t the design can provide sufficient drive current, and short delay time, and small layout when the output load is very large.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2012年第5期106-109,共4页 Electronic Design Engineering
基金 周口师范学院青年科研基金(zknuqn201043A)
关键词 CMOS工艺 输出缓冲电路 版图设计 MPW计划 在片测试 CMOS process output buffer circuit layout design MPW on chip test
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