
临床医学本科生职业素质培养模式的探索与思考 被引量:1

摘要 目的探索临床医学本科生职业素质培养模式。方法采用自行设计的问卷,对兰州大学第二临床医学院2007级本科生进行调查,内容包括:对医学生职业素养的认识、团队合作、交流沟通能力、伦理学、医学法律等。采用Epidata3.1、Excel2003和SPSS17.0进行统计分析。结果总共发放问卷50份,有效问卷46份。6.52%(3名)的学生经常了解一些医学生职业素质方面的知识,45.65%(21名)的学生能够顺利的与老师交流沟通,10.87%(5名)的同学认为能够顺利的与患者及家属进行沟通。4.26%(2名)和2.17%(1名)的学生经常了解一些医学伦理学和医疗法律方面的知识。绝大部分(41名,89.13%)学生认为非常有必要培养医学生的自主学习和终生学习的能力。结论本次调查的学生的职业素养普遍较低,临床医学本科生职业素质的培养需要各个方面共同的努力。 Objective To research occupation diathesis mode for clinical medical undergraduate. Method Undergraduates from the second clinical medical college of Lanzhou University were investigated with questionnaires designed by ourselves. Investigation included: consideration of occupation diathesis, team working,communication, Ethics, medical laws. Software such as Epidata3.1 ,Excel2003 and SPSS17.0 were used for statistics. Result 50 questionnaires were released and 46 of them were available.6.52%(3) students always adopted knowledge about occupation diathesis,45.65%(21) could communicate with doctors prosperously, 10.87%(5) undergraduates thought that there was no disability communication with patients and their familiality.4.26%(2) and 2.17%(1)undergraduates always learnt knowledge about ethics and medical laws. Most undergraduate indicated that it was necessary to cultivate ability of freedom and lifelong study.Conclusion Occupation diathesis was poor ahead this surveys,and the cultivation of occupation diathesis for medical undergraduates need efforts from all aspects.
出处 《中国科教创新导刊》 2012年第5期41-42,共2页 CHINA EDUCATION INNOVATION HERALD
基金 兰州大学2010年教学研究项目(项目编号:校教字[2010]26号)
关键词 医学本科生 职业素质 培养模式 Medical undergraduate Occupation diathesis Cultivation Mode
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