目的:探讨盆腔局灶型Castleman病(Castleman's disease,CD)的临床特点及诊治方法。方法:对1例因盆腔占位压迫输尿管引起肾积水的患者进行实验室和影像学检查,并于全麻下行腹腔镜下盆腔肿块切除术。结果:手术时间30min,术中出血10ml。术后第3天出院,恢复良好。术后病理检查示Castleman's病(巨大淋巴结增生症)血管滤泡型。随访6个月,未见疾病复发或转移。结论:盆腔局灶型Castleman病是一种罕见的盆腔疾病,常以无痛性淋巴组织肿大或肿块压迫症状而就诊。治疗方法首选手术。腹腔镜微创手术比传统开放手术在术中创伤、出血量、术后恢复、美观性等方面的优越性明显,对于盆腔局灶型CD,可优先考虑行经腹腔镜切除,预后良好。
Objective:To discuss the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and surgical treatment of localized Castleman's disease in the pelvic cavity. Methods: One case of patient with pelvic tumor accepted laboratory and imagery analysis, and laparoscopic tumorectomy was made under General Anesthesia. Results: The operation was ended in 30 minutes and was very successful. The postoperation hospital stay was 3 days. Histological examination was of hyaline-Vascular type CD. The patient had not present any evidence of tumour recurrence 6 months after diagnosis. Conclusions:Pelvic Localized Castleman's disease is a rare lymphoproliferative disorder. Surgical resection of tumor remains the first--line treatment for LCD. The laparoscopic approach enables the resection of the lesion and histological diagnosis with the advantage of magnified images, minimal invasiveness and rapid recovery.
Journal of Clinical Urology