目的:研究皮肤正交各向异性及扩张器力学特性对皮肤扩张的影响,为临床扩张器置入及扩张皮瓣的设计提供参考。方法:以朗格氏线(Langer's lines)为X轴,Y轴垂直于朗格氏线,测量计算注水前后两轴单位皮肤扩张量,测量分析扩张器囊壁的张力特征。结果:Y轴单位皮肤扩张量注水前后明显大于X轴;扩张器其囊壁在各个方向上单位延展量与其形状有关。结论:皮肤扩张时,在各个方向上扩张效率并不一致,沿朗格氏线方向扩张效率最低,而沿垂直于朗格氏线方向扩张效率最高,扩张期张力特性对皮肤扩张存在较大影响。
Objective Investigate how the skin's orthotropy and the tension character of the tissue expander affect the expanding of the skin, and to suggest how to embed the tissue expander and to design expanding flap. Methods The coordinate was constructed with Langer's line as the X-axis and the Y-axis perpendicular to the Langer's line. The quantity of the expanded skin was measured before and after injecting saline. The stress character of the wall of the tissue expander was also measured and analyzed. Results The expanded skin per unit in the Y-axis orientation is more than in the X-axis. The per unit extending quantity of the wall of the tissue expander is related to the shape of the tissue expander. Conclusion There is different skin expanding efficiency in the different orientations when the skin is expanded because of the skin's orthotropy. Generally, the minimum skin expanding efficiency lies in the langer's line, while the maximum in the line perpendicular to the former. The tension character of the tissue expander has large effect on the skin expanding.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine