
三种不锈钢在700℃熔融LiCl-Li_2O中的腐蚀行为研究 被引量:1

Corrosion Behavior of Three Stainless Steels in Molten LiCl-5%Li_2O at 700°C
摘要 采用失重法,并结合物相分析技术研究了B2205、B409及B439不锈钢在700℃熔融LiCl-5 mass%Li_2O中的腐蚀行为.结果表明,三种不锈钢均遭受严重腐蚀,且其腐蚀失重近似遵循线性规律.不锈钢的腐蚀速率随其Cr含量的增加而减小.不锈钢的快速腐蚀与循环的氯化-氧化反应有关.同时,Li也能快速内扩散形成相应的含锂化物. The corrosion behavior of three stainless steels,i.e.B2205,B439 and B409 in molten LiCl-5 mass%Li_2O in air at 700℃was examined by mass-loss measurements as well as XRD and SEM analysis.According to the experimental results,the three steels underwent severe corrosion, and their corrosion followed approximately a linear rate raw.The corrosion rate of the steels decreased with the increase of Cr content.The accelerated corrosion of the steels is related to a cyclic chlorination/oxidation reaction process.Meanwhile,fast lithiation reaction was also observed.
作者 刘颖 曾潮流
出处 《腐蚀科学与防护技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期113-116,共4页 Corrosion Science and Protection Technology
关键词 不锈钢 LiCl-Li_2O 熔盐腐蚀 氯化-氧化 锂化 stainless steels LiCl-Li_2O molten-salt corrosion chlorination-oxidation lithiation
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