20世纪物理学发现被有些人看作是对马克思主义哲学的挑战 ,本文针对这种观点 ,提醒人们全面地理解马克思的自然观。作者并不主张简单套用其哲学理论比附物理学现象 ,只是提供一种分析的视角 ,指出在相对论、量子力学、人择原理这些扑朔迷离的科学———哲学的论争中 。
Physical discoveries in the 20th century are considered,by some people,a challenge to Marxist philosophy.Against this argument,this paper suggests understanding the Marxist view of nature comprehensively. It does not maintain that it should be applied mechanically and points out that the essence of practice has greatly enlightened the research of the natural world over the complicated and confusing science vis philosophy controversies on relativity,quantum mechanics and human-choice principle
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences