
异体肌腱及跟腱移植后移植物的免疫学特点 被引量:1

Immunological characteristics of allogeneic tendon and achilles tendon after transplantation
摘要 背景:异体移植的免疫排斥问题是移植能否成功的首要问题。目的:总结异体肌腱移植治疗跟腱缺损或异体跟腱移植治疗交叉韧带的免疫学特点。方法:应用计算机检索1990-01/2012-01PubMed数据库及万方数据库有关异体跟腱移植或跟腱重建的相关文献。英文检索词"allograft,tendon,immunity,transplatation",中文检索词"异体,跟腱,移植,免疫"。检索文献量总计83篇。结果与结论:腱组织的异体移植重建免疫排斥问题给手术增加了失败的危险性,但从目前研究来看经深低温冷冻处理的异体肌腱,是人体肌腱缺损修复的理想替代材料。它不以牺牲正常组织结构为代价,不受个体条件的限制。保证了肌腱移植的成功性,为跟腱再断裂缺损修复提供了可靠保证。而且具有操作简单,切口小,损伤小,效果可靠的优点。 BACKGROUND:Immune rejection of allogeneic transplantation is the most important issue for the successful transplantation.OBJECTIVE:To summarize the immunological characteristics of allogeneic tendon and achilles tendon transplantation for the treatment of achilles tendon defects and cruciate ligament,respectively.METHODS:A computer-based research was conducted on the PubMed database and Wanfang database for the articles on allogeneic ahilles tendon transplantation or achilles tendon reconstruction published from January 1990 to January 2012.The Key words were "allograft,tendon,immunity,transplantation" in Chinese and English.A total of 83 articles were obtained. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The immune rejection of allogeneic tendon transplantation increased the risk of failure;however,the present studies have showed that deep-frozen processed allogeneic tendon is an ideal alternative material for the repair of human tendon defects.It has the advantages of no normal tissue structure sacrifice and free from the individual constraints.It could ensure the success of the tendon transplantation and provide a reliable guarantee for the repair of achilles tendon re-rupture defects with the advantages of simple operation,small incision,less damage and reliable effects.
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 2012年第5期915-918,共4页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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