背景:浮肩损伤在创伤疾病中较罕见,关于其治疗方法存在较多争议,至今仍无权威性的临床指导供学者达成共识。目的:对采取保守与手术治疗浮肩损伤的疗效进行系统评价。方法:通过计算机检索CNKI数据库,Web of Science数据库,以"floating shoulder"或"浮肩损伤"为关键词。收集所有相关对照试验,并评价纳入研究的方法学质量。采用RevMan4.2软件进行Meta分析,观察森林图显示的分析特征和结果。结果与结论:无论保守还是手术治疗均可取得满意的治疗效果;两种治疗方法相比较,在疗效获优方面,手术治疗稍占优势;在总体疗效优良方面,保守与手术治疗两者效果相当。
BACKGROUND:Floating shoulder injury is a rare trauma disease,and the treatments of this disease are controversial.There are no authoritative clinical instructions for scholars to reach a consensus at present.OBJECTIVE:To assess the conservative or surgical treatments of floating shoulder injury.METHODS:The databases of China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) and Web of Science were searched online with computer.The key words were "floating shoulder,floating shoulder injury".The data collected about all relevant controlled trials were extracted and evaluated,analyzed with RevMan4.2 software,and followed by observation of the analyzing features and results indicated by forest plots.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Whether conservative or surgical treatments can achieve satisfied clinical outcomes.The surgical treatment,compared with conservative methods,is dominant in getting excellent effect.There is no difference between two methods in getting good effects of the overall quality.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research