

Recent advance of the Müller cells' pathologic changes and mechanism in retinaopathy
摘要 视网膜Müller细胞是包括人在内的脊椎动物视网膜中主要的大胶质细胞,从形态和功能方面维持视网膜内外环境的稳定,对正常视觉功能起到重要作用。在不同视网膜病变中,Müller细胞有不同的病理反应及机制,从分子、代谢、电活动和功能学等角度深入研究和理解这些变化,对于认识Müller细胞在这些病变中作用有重要意义,以期将来获得通过以该细胞为靶点的治疗方法。 The retinal Müller cell is the principal macroglial cell of the retina in vertebrate,including human,supports the homeostasis of retina in extracellular and intracellular milieu from morphologic structure,and plays a critical role in normal vision.In various retinal diseases,the Müller cells have many pathologic changes and respective mechanism.To explore a new method of targeting the Müller cells to treat these diseases,it is necessary to study and understand the detail changes in molecular level,metabolic,electric activity and functional points in retinal diseases.
作者 安芳 郭斌
出处 《临床眼科杂志》 2012年第1期91-94,共4页 Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
关键词 MÜLLER细胞 视网膜 疾病 治疗 Müller cell Retina Disease Therapy
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