

On Public Participation during Performance Evaluation of Administrative Regulatory Documents
摘要 行政规范性文件绩效评估是政府绩效评估中的一种专项评估,公众参与其中既是民主行政的需要,也是评估活动取得应有实效的必然要求。在当前的行政规范性文件绩效评估中,无论是评估的动议还是评估标准的确定抑或是评估过程都缺乏公众的参与,因此,应当采取各种方式扩大公众的参与范围,既要让公众直接参与评估,也要采取公众满意度、民主监督等方式便于公众的间接参与。 Performance evaluation of administrative regulatory documents is a special evaluation of government performance evaluation.Public participation is the need of democratic administrative,and it also is the necessity of achieving practical results.And it is absence of public participation about motion,standard and procedure of evaluation at present.And we must take various ways to extend public participation during performance evaluation of administrative regulatory documents.We must take direct participation ways,and may take indirect participation ways e.d.degree of satisfaction and democratic supervision and so on.
作者 胡峻
机构地区 衡阳师范学院
出处 《行政与法》 2011年第9期88-91,共4页 Administration and Law
基金 教育部人文社科规划基金项目"行政规范性文件绩效评估研究"的阶段性成果 项目编号:10YJA820032 湖南省哲学社会科学基金一般项目"行政规范性文件的评估研究"的阶段性成果 项目编号:09YBB043
关键词 行政规范性文件 绩效评估 评估主体 公众参与 administrative regulatory documents performance evaluation subject of evaluation public participation
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