During soil erosion process, soil aggregate transport reflects the broken degree of soil aggregate and runoff transport capacity, which directly affects soil erosion degree. A laboratory rainfall simulator study was conducted to determine characteristics of sediment yield and soil aggregate transport of different size fractions (〉5 mm, 2-5 ram, 1-2 mm, 0.5-1 ram, 0.25-0.5 mm and d0.25 ram) under different soil surface conditions on typical black soil in the northeast China. Three soil surface conditions were designed. The bare land, nylon net cover and straw cover. Results showed that: (1)Nylon net cover and straw cover not only decreased runoff but also sediment yield, while sediment yield reduction was above 75% and 99%, compared with the bare land, respectively;(2)〈0.25 mm soil aggregate was the main lost soil aggregate size fraction for all the treatments, occupying by above 50- of the total sediment yield- the loss of each soil ag- gregate size fraction ranked in order of the bare land-nylon net cover 〉 straw cover〉(3)The most pro- nounced difference of soil aggregate transport was d0.25 mm between the bare land and nylon net cover or straw cover, the size fraction loss from nylon net cover and straw cover reduced by 74.62- and 99%, com- pared with the bare land, respectively- there was a large difference of 〈0.25 mm and 1-5 mm transport be- tween straw cover and nylon net cover, while loss of these soil aggregate from straw cover decreased by 97.81% and 86.03%, relative to that from nylon net cover, respectively- (4)The mean weight diameter of soil aggregate from straw cover treatment showed the greatest value, while fractional dimension and mean weight soil specific area were both in order:The bare land〉nylon net cover〉straw cover.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
soil surface condition
sediment yield
soil aggregate transport
black soil