
复方利多卡因乳膏在眼部整形美容手术的应用观察 被引量:9

Application of compound lidocaine cream in blepharal plastic operation
摘要 目的观察复方利多卡因乳膏应用于眼部整形美容手术皮层局部麻醉的镇痛效果。方法将60例眼部整形美容者随机分为复方利多卡因乳膏实验组与对照组,对照组按常规进行皮肤消毒后行局部利多卡因注射麻醉实施手术。实验组在手术开始前1h将利多卡因乳膏均匀涂抹在美容者眼部皮肤表面,上盖透明密封敷膜,手术前将乳膏洗净,常规皮肤消毒后行局部利多卡因注射麻醉实施手术。采用世界卫生组织(WHO)数字评分法进行疼痛评估。结果利多卡因乳膏实验组疼痛程度明显低于对照组。结论眼部整形美容术前应用复方利多卡因乳膏进行皮层局部麻醉可减轻美容者术中疼痛。 Objective To observe the analgesic effect of local anesthesia with compound lidocaine cream in patients undergoing blepharal plastic operation.Methods Sixty patients undergoing blepharal plastic operation were randomly divided into experimental group and control group.Patients both in control group and experimental group underwent operation under local anesthesia with compound lidocaine cream after routine skin disinfection.However,1h before operation for those in experimental group,a thin layer of compound lidocaine cream was evenly smeared on the surface of their eyes and covered with a transparent sealing dressing,which was washed before operation.Pain of patients was assessed according to the WHO numerical pain rating scale.Results The severity of pain was significantly lower in experimental group than in control group after local anesthesia with compound lidocaine cream.Conclusion Topical application of compound lidocaine cream before blepharal plastic operation can effectively alleviate the pain and discomfort of patients undergoing blepharal plastic operation.
作者 王艳 李桂珍
出处 《军医进修学院学报》 CAS 2012年第3期241-242,共2页 Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School
关键词 复方利多卡因乳膏 整形美容手术 局部麻醉 compound lidocaine cream plastic and aesthetic surgery local anesthesia
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