
二维斑点追踪技术在急性脑损伤后脑心综合征中的应用 被引量:1

Application of two-dimensional speckle tracking imaging to cerebral-cardiac syndrome resulted from acute traumatic brain injury
摘要 目的应用二维超声斑点追踪技术(2D-STI)评价急性脑损伤后左室局部心肌功能。方法建立20只犬急性颅脑损伤模型,于伤前及伤后6 h、1 d、3 d运用斑点追踪技术检测前壁、室间隔、下壁、后壁心肌峰值应变情况,并常规测量左室射血分数(EF)、E/A及短轴缩短率(FS)值。结果脑损伤前及伤后6 h、1d、3 d实验犬EF、FS及E/A无明显改变,伤后6 h即有部分心肌峰值应变减低,伤后1 d、3 d多个心肌节段峰值应变较伤前明显减低(P<0.05)。结论急性脑损伤可引起局部心肌损伤,斑点追踪技术较常规心功能指标更敏感反应早期心肌损伤。 Objective To investigate the application of two-dimensional speckle tracking imaging (21)-STI)to estimale the left ventricular myocardial funclion after acute traumatic brain injury(TBl). Methods In 20 cases canine model of TBI, 2D-STI was employed to measure the peak systolic strain of different myocardial wall segments and interventricular septum respeetively pre, 6hours, lday and 3day post-TBI. Meanwhile, left wentricular ejection fraction(EF) , fractional shortening(FS) and the peak filling velocity of E wave and A wave, E/A ratio were recorded. Results Compared with pre-TBI, EF, FS and E/A were not statistically different 6hours, lday and 3day post-TBI. However, peak systolic sh'ain of some myocardial segments deceased immediately 6hour posl-TBI and significantly decreased in most myocardial segments l day and 3day post-TBl( P 〈0.05 ). Conclusions Acute TBI could resuh in local cardiac damage. 2D-STI data is more sensitive to detect early myocardial damage than regular indexs in acute TBI patients.
出处 《临床神经外科杂志》 CAS 2012年第1期22-23,共2页 Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery
基金 南京军区医学科研课题基金资助项目(07M002)
关键词 超声心动图 脑心综合征 心肌缺血 心室功能 echocardiography cerebral-cardiac syndrome myocardial ischemia ventricular function
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