
柴油机清洁排放控制技术的发展及展望 被引量:5

Clean Diesel Engine Emission Control Technology Development and Forecast
摘要 以新一代燃烧技术的发展、演变及特征为出发点,从燃料改质技术、缸内净化技术和后处理技术3方面归纳了柴油机清洁排放控制技术研究的发展。重点分析了各种技术的特点以及对发动机排放的作用和影响,最后讨论了发动机清洁排放控制技术的未来发展趋势。 Based on the development,evolution and characteristics of next-generation combustion technology,the research development about clean diesel engine emission control technology are summarized from the fuel modification technology,cylinder purification and post-processing techniques in this paper.The characteristics of various technologies as well as the role and impact on engine emissions are analyzed.At last,the future development of clean engine emission control technology trend also is discussed.
出处 《小型内燃机与摩托车》 CAS 2012年第1期88-92,96,共6页 Small Internal Combustion Engine and Motorcycle
基金 中国汽车技术研究中心项目资助
关键词 清洁排放 燃料改质 燃油优化 后处理 控制技术 Clean combustion Fuel modification Fuel optimization Post-processing Control technology
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