Objective This study was to assess the impact of left ventricular scar burden and cardiac synchrony on cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) efficacy. Methods We retrospectively analysed the left ventrieular scar burden and cardiac synchrony postCRT assessed by singlephoton emission computed tomography(SPECT) in 30 CRT patients. They were divided into CRTresponse group (19 pts,8 males) and CRT- nonresponse group (11 pts, 8males). The CRT responder was defined as the improvement of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) more than 0. 05 and no admission to hospital during the first 6 months after CRT. The CRT nonresponder was defined as the improvement of LVEF less than 0.05 or at least one time unscheduled admission to hospital during the first 6 months after CRT. The left ventricular scar burden and cardiac synehrony were determined by SPECT myocardial perfusion. The cardiac synchrony parameters include phase SD and bandwidth. LVEF was detected by eehocardiography. Results There was significant difference in cardiac synehronyand scar burden between two groups. The average of phase SD and bandwidth was 28. 1 ±4. 4° and 88.0°± 13.9° in response group,and 56. 1°±6. 9° and 170. 1°±24. 4°in nonresponse group (P〈0. 01 ). The scar burden was 24. 6% ±3.6% and 36.5%± 3.9% in response group and nonresponse group,respectively ( P〈0. 05 ). Conclusion CRT efficacy is associated with cardiac synchrony and myocardial scar burden assessed by SPECT,which may provide identified of CRT responders.
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias
Scar burden
Phase analysis
Cardiac resynchronization therapy