We reported an infrequent atrial standstill family which had been followedup of one year. Methods Electrocardiogram and echocardiogram were used to evaluate heart structure and function in all patients and their offsprings. Exon sequencing was performed for searching for the possible virulence gene. Results For most patients, atrial standstill was a gradually developing process with an aggravating heart function; however, in the course of disease progression, electrocardiogram might restore to normal sinus rhythm. And a new member diagnosed with atrial standstill had younger age than those reported in literature and the atrial mechanical activity disappearance with a normal atrial electrical activity. Furthermore, sexon sequencing showed that there were 43 artial standstill related genes. Conclusions Echoeardiography may be superior to electrocardiogram in the diagnosis of atrial standstill. There are 43 genes associated with this disease, which needs further verification.
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias