
煤炭资源整合组织管理系统复杂性评价及实证研究 被引量:4

Complexity evaluation and empirical analysis of organization management system of coal resource consolidation
摘要 分析煤炭资源整合组织管理系统的复杂性要素,建立复杂性评价要素体系。引用信息论中的信息熵概念作为复杂性要素的度量尺度,计算得出各等级层中各部门在相应的评价要素下的信息熵值,将其作为元素构建各层的熵向量,进一步组成熵矩阵。利用改进的主成分投影法对各层的熵向量进行综合分析,将各层熵向量的投影值作为该层的统一复杂性值,确定影响系统复杂性的主要等级层和因素。最后,以山西省煤炭资源整合为例,实证了上述方法的可操作性与合理性。 Complexity elements of organization management system of coal resource consolidation are analyzed and a set of evaluation factors is established.The concept of information entropy in the information theory is used for measuring the complexity of elements.The value of information entropy is calculated,which is used for building each layer's entropy vector,and the entropy vectors make up entropy matrix.Each layer's entropy vector is analyzed synthetically through the improved principal component projection method.The projection values of entropy vector belonged to each layer is viewed as the comprehensive complexity value.Based on this,the layers and factors are established,having an primary influence on the system's complexity.In the end,taking the coal resource consolidation in shanxi for example,the above method is proved to be operable and reasonable.
出处 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2012年第3期14-18,共5页 China Mining Magazine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(编号:70771060) 山东省自然科学基金项目资助(编号:Y2006H10) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目资助(编号:11YJA630101)
关键词 煤炭资源整合 信息熵 复杂性 主成分投影法 coal resource consolidation information entropy complexity principal component projection method
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