
江西省兴国县森林碳储量动态变化特征 被引量:14

Characteristics of Spatio-temporal Dynamic Changes of the Carbon Storage of Forest Vegetation in Xingguo County
摘要 根据第6次森林清查小班数据,运用BEF方法和平均生物量方法对2003年江西省兴国县森林植被生物量和碳储量进行估算。采用空间替代时间的办法,构建了兴国县主要森林类型碳密度拟合方程,在此基础上,估算了1985-2003年的森林植被碳储量,分析了时空动态变化特征。结果表明:(1)2003年森林林分面积22.65×104 hm2,总生物量5.97Tg,植被碳储量4.13TgC,平均碳密度18.25Mg.hm-2。不同森林类型生物量和植被碳储量大小依次为马尾松林>杉木林>经济林>硬阔林>湿地松>毛竹林>混交林>软阔林,不同龄组生物量和植被碳储量大小依次为中龄林>幼龄林>近熟林>成熟林>过熟林,天然林的生物量和植被碳储量分别是人工林的4.3倍和3.9倍。(2)森林植被1985、1990、2003年碳储量分别为1.65、2.97、4.13TgC,总体增长趋势明显。1985-2003年森林植被碳储量逐年增加,年均固碳0.14TgC。森林植被碳储量在兴国县东部和北部地区高,中西部低。(3)从植被碳储量时空动态变化可以看出,20世纪80年代中后期开始实施的飞播造林和人工造林工程,使得2003年森林植被固碳能力达到较高水平并相对稳定,当林分面积到达稳定后,通过合理的森林经营管理措施将可继续保持较高的固碳能力。 Based on the sixth forest inventory data in Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province, the paper estimated forest vegetation biomass and carbon storage in 2003. The relationships between carbon density and ages of the main forest types were also established by using Logistic equation. We estimate the carbon storage of forest vegetation in Xingguo County from 1985 to 2003 , and analysis characteristics of its spatiotemporal dynamic change. The results show that: (1) In 2003, the forest area was 22.65× 10^4 hm2, the biomass was 5.97 Tg and carbon storage was 4.13 TgC, average carbon density was 18.25 Mg·hm 2. According to the forest type, the order from high to low of forest biomass and carbon storage were Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata forest, Ecnomie forest, Hardwood forest, Pinus elliottii forest, Pubescens forest, Mixed forest, Softwood forest. According to age groups of forests, the order from large to small of forest biomass and carbon storage were Middle-aged forest, Young Forest, Near-mature Forest, Mature Forest, Over-mature forest. According to forest original, the natural forest biomass and carbon storage were 4.3 and 3.9 times as artificial forest. (2)The forest carbon storage in 1985, 1990, 2003 were 1.65, 2.97, 4.13 TgC respectively. The growth trend was obviously. The carbon storage was rising year by year from 1985 to 2003. The annual carbon sequestration is about 0.14 TgC from 1985 to 2003. The carbon storage in eastern and northern Xingguo County were higher than that in the middle and western. (3) From characters of the spatio-temporal dynamic change of carbon storage in Xingguo County, we can see that carbon storage capacity reached an higher level and remained stable in 2003. The air sowing and artificial afforestation in the middle and late 1980s is responsible for it. In the future, when the compartment area reach stable, The potentiality of carbon storage of forest can be improved by reasonable forest operating managements.
出处 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期163-168,174,共7页 Journal of Northwest Forestry University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40971281) 国家973计划项目(2009CB421100 2010CB950900) 国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAC08B00)
关键词 江西兴国县 小班数据 碳储量 时空特征 Xingguo County in Jiangxi Province, compartment data, carbon storage, spatio-temporal characteristics
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