
动脉内接触溶栓治疗急性脑梗塞疗效观察 被引量:4

Effect of intra-artrial thrombolytic therapy on actue cerebral infraction
摘要 目的:探讨急性脑梗塞动脉内接触性溶栓治疗的安全性和有效性。方法:对30例急性缺血性脑卒中病人在起病后6小时内进行尿激酶动脉内接触性溶栓,尿激酶用量30万U-75万U(平均50U万)。结果:21例获得动脉完全再通,3例获得部分再通,1例没有再通,脑血管造影未见明显异常5例。并发脑出血1例,消化道出血1例。随访6个月25人生活完全自理,1人生活部分自理,4人生活不能自理。结论:动脉内接触溶栓可使血栓局部迅速达到较高的血药浓度,疗效好,见效快,用药总量小,并发症少。 To evaluated the safety and effects of intraatrial thromyolytic therapy on acute cerebral infraction. Methods.30 patients with acute cerebral infraction 6 hours of onset were intraatrially administrated with 300-750 thousands units urokinase within 6 h after onset. Results, 21patients were completely recanalized, 3 patients were partly recanalized, but 1 patient failed. No obvious abnormality was identified in 5 patients. There are serious complication in two patients, including one with cerebral hemorrhage, and one with gastrointestinal bleeding. Follow up for 6 months showed that 25patients had complete life selfcare, 1 patient had partial life selfcare and 1 patient lost the ability. Conclusions. Intra artrial thromobolysis was safe and effective for acute cerebral infraction treatment, and it can improve the prognosis.
出处 《海南医学院学报》 CAS 2012年第3期335-337,340,共4页 Journal of Hainan Medical University
基金 中国高校医学期刊临床专项资金项目(11221058)~~
关键词 脑梗塞 动脉内溶栓 Cerebral infraction, Intraartrial thrombolytic therapy
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