
稳中求进 整合提升 促进我国物流业持续健康发展——2011年我国物流业发展回顾与2012年展望 被引量:6

Make Progress while Ensuring Stability and Realize the Upgrade while Carrying out Integration to Promote the Sustainable and Health Development of China's Logistics Industry——The Review of China's Logistics Industry Development in 2011 and the Outlook of
摘要 2011年,在经济持续较快增长与一系列政策措施的推动下,我国物流业发展呈现出许多新的特点,取得了许多新的进展,支持物流业发展的政策集中出台,物流业发展环境受到广泛关注,物流市场需求发生了深刻变化,物流经营模式经历了新的变革,物流企业整合提升步伐加快,物流区域集聚趋势明显,物流基础设施建设投资增速放缓,物流行业管理基础性工作日臻完善,为国民经济平稳较快运行提供了有力支撑,为推动发展方式转变发挥了重要作用。2012年,受国内外各种因素影响,我国物流业发展增速将放缓趋稳,物流需求层次提升,物流市场竞争加剧,物流企业面临新的选择,涉及民生的物流领域更受关注,物流新技术加快应用,多业联动的经营模式逐步形成,物流政策逐步落实。2012年,我国物流业要把握好稳中求进的总基调,切实减轻物流企业税收负担,加大物流业土地政策支持力度,使物流车辆便利通行,加快物流管理体制改革,鼓励物流设施资源整合,推进物流技术创新和应用,加大对物流业的投入,优先发展农产品物流业,加强组织协调,在扩大内需中发挥支撑和保障作用,在推进产业结构优化升级中发挥促进作用,在提高经济增长的质量和效益中发挥重要作用。 In the year 2011,pushed by the economic sustainable growth and a series of policies and measures,the development of China's logistics industry has demonstrated some new characteristics;we have also made some new achievements in the development of that industry.In 2012,influenced by some domestic and foreign issues,the development growth of China's logistics industry will be slowed down;the level of logistic demand will be upgraded;the logistic market competition will be intensified;the logistic enterprises will face more choices;the logistic field related to the people's livelihood will attract more attention;the application of new logistic technology will be accelerated;and some policies supporting the development of logistics industry will be gradually implemented.In 2012,China's logistics industry should adhere to the principle of "making progress while ensuring stability",play the supporting and guaranteeing role in stimulating domestic demand,and play and important role in promoting industrial restructure and increasing the quality and benefit of economic growth.
作者 何黎明
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期10-15,共6页 China Business and Market
关键词 稳中求进 整合提升 物流业 发展 make progress while ensuring stability realize the upgrade while carry out integration logistics industry development
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