
“入世”十年:零售业对外开放初步考察 被引量:5

Ten Years after China's Entry into the WTO:the Preliminary Study on the Opening up of China's Retail Industry
摘要 改革开放以来,在对我国零售业取得的巨大成绩的认识中,存在着对外资作用一边倒的赞美之辞现象,对此我们应有清醒的认识,不仅要认识到外资对我国零售业发展的正面效应,更应该深刻理解外资对我国零售业发展的负面效应,取消外资在税收、市场准入、外贸经营权等方面的超国民待遇,地方政府要避免因追求政绩而导致的盲目引资,各界人士要摆脱根深蒂固的轻商情结,并且必须认识到零售业开放虽然最先影响的是零售业,但最终必然会影响到制造业的发展。"十二五"期间,应该抓住机遇构建内外贸一体化、城乡一体化、批发零售物流配送一体化的商贸物流渠道体系网点,实施国外抢滩、国内整合的"两头扩网"战略,摆脱传统的"制造业思维"模式,树立"渠道是稀缺资源"、"渠道是经济命脉"的新理念、新思维,充分发挥商贸物流业影响力,推动流程变革和业态创新,将培育、构建内外贸一体化、城乡一体化的自主品牌、自主渠道纳入国家"十二五"规划。 In understanding the great achievements we have made in the development of retail industry since reform and opening up,there are full of words of praise for the role foreign investment plays;we should have a clear understanding of that;we should not only understand the positive effect imposed by foreign investment on the development of China's retail industry,but also understand the negative effect of that;we should cancel the super national treatment for foreign investment in terms of tax,market access and the license of foreign trade;the local government should not blindly introduce foreign investment only for the purpose of pursuing performance;and we also should understand that retail industry is the first that will be influenced by the opening up of retail industry,but the development of the manufacturing industry will ultimately be influenced.During the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period,we should seize the opportunity to build a commercial logistic channel system based on the integration of foreign and domestic trade,urban and rural market,and wholesale and retail logistics and distribution,implement the strategy of "snatching foreign market share and integrating domestic market",get rid of the traditional thinking of manufacturing industry,and foster the new idea of "channel is the scarce resource and the economic lifeline" to promote the development of China's retail industry.
作者 宋则
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期45-50,共6页 China Business and Market
关键词 外资 零售业 效应 一体化 foreign trade retail industry positive effect negative effect integration
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