目的观察氟病区胎儿肝、肾上腺、甲状腺上皮细胞的超微结构变化,为研究氟对细胞损伤机理提供实验依据。方法收集氟病区胎儿10例,其母亲均有氟斑牙,尿氟含量为(4.37±2.94)mg/L。非氟病区胎儿10例,其母亲无氟斑牙,尿氟含量为(1.67±0.82)mg/L。用氟电极法测定胎儿骨氟含量。取胎儿肝脏、肾上腺、甲状腺组织作电镜检查。结果病区胎儿骨氟含量(2.77±0.25)mg/kg,与非病区胎儿骨氟(2.50±0.11)mg/kg相比,差异有显著性( P<0. 01)。电镜观察结果:细胞膜的主要变化是微绒毛变短、变少,甚至消失。细胞间连接松解,结构紊乱。病变严重者有髓鞘样结构形成。线粒体的主要变化为:线粒体肿胀、体积增大,甚至嵴消失,呈空泡状。内质网的主要病变为粗面内质同扩张呈囊状,网上核蛋白体部分脱失。细胞核的主要病变为核膜的双层结构破坏,呈囊状扩张。有的细胞浆内出现巨大包涵体或异常电子致密度较高的颗粒。结论氟对细胞结构的破坏是多方面的。氟中毒时细胞膜、线粒体、粗面内质网及核膜均可受到损伤。
Objective Investigate damage mechanism of fluoride on cells. Methods The livers ,adrenal glands arid thyroids from human fetuses from an endemic fluorosis were used to investigate the effects of fluoride on ultrastructure of the adeno epithelial cells. In addition fetal urinary fluoride was determined. The results showed that th urinary fluoride levels of fetuses from the endemic region were markedly increased in comparision with the levels of fetuses from non endemic region. Results Electron microscope revealed an overall decrease in the number of microvilli and a shortening.There was mitochondrial swelling and dilation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER).Nucleoprotein on the RER has fallen off and the nuclear membrane manifested cystoid dilation. Conclusions The results suggest that increased fluoride levels have multiple effects on the adeno-epithelia. The increased fluoride concentration may not only damage the cellular ultrastructures,but also disturb the normal physiological function of the adeno-epithelia.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology