Objective: To analyze the distribution of outpatients and inpatients under 15 year old and the utilization among different economic groups in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in 2010, and evaluate the equity. Methods: Calculating the actual, need-expected and standardized utilization among different eeonomie groups and eoneentration index(CI). Results: The proportions of actual, need-expected and standardized outpatient utilization by eaeh quintile were at about 20%, the CI was 0.08, 0.05 and 0.03 respectively. Poor people's inpatient utilization was less than the rieh's. The CI of actual inpatient times and inpatient days were 0.18 and 0.16. Conclusion: The equity of outpatient utilization was better than that of inpatient, and they were at a good level.
Chinese Health Economics