目的对北京市自 1995年实行全民食盐加碘以来的防治效果及病情现状做出评价,以确定今后北京市碘缺乏病防治对策。方法将1995~1999年3次病情监测结果进行分析。结果学龄儿童甲肿率及尿碘中位数均已达到碘缺乏病消除标准。合格碘盐使用率略低于90%。结论北京市已提前实现2000年消除碘缺乏病的目标。为巩固目前所取得的防治效果,应坚持常规碘盐监测工作。建议修订食盐含碘量的国家标准,将生产、加工食盐的含碘量适当降低;今后把孕妇和新生儿作为碘缺乏病监测的目标人群。
Objective in order to establish the countermeasure of IDD control,trat the preventive result and situation of IDD prevalence in Beijing since 1995 when universal supply of iodized salt was implemented was evaluated. Methods The data from IDD surveillance from 1995 to 1999 were studied. Results Both the median of urinary iodine level and the goiter rate in school-age children have been attained to the standard of IDD elimination. The use rate of qualified iodized salt is under 90% appreciably. Conclusions The goal of eliminating IDD by 2000 has been come true ahead of schedule in Beijing. The routine monitoring salt iodine levels should be continued. It is suggested that the national standared for iodine concentration in edible salt should be modified by re- ducing the iodine concentration level in factory level moderately. Pregnant women and neonate should be the taret group for monioring IDD prevalence.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology