
均匀设计优化微生物混合发酵提取甘草渣中黄酮物质工艺 被引量:3

Uniform design for optimal extraction of flavonoids from glycyrrhiza residues by microbial complex fermentation
摘要 为实现甘草渣中黄酮物质的高效分离提取,选取发酵主要影响因素,以黄酮提取率为响应值,采用均匀设计法分别对黄孢原毛平革菌(PC菌)与纤维素分解真菌Q59、云芝与Q59两组混合发酵处理进行优化。结果显示,PC+Q59处理黄酮得率的理论最优组合为:每10g甘草渣中接种PC菌0.5mL,接种Q592mL,发酵温度为30℃,发酵料含水率61%,氮源酒石酸铵的浓度为0.4g/L,发酵时间3d,预测黄酮得率为1.59%;云芝+Q59处理黄酮得率的理论最优组合为:每10g甘草渣中接种直径为0.6cm云芝菌块5块,接种Q592mL,发酵温度为28℃,发酵料含水率67%,氮源浓度为0.1g/L,发酵时间3d,预测黄酮得率为1.25%。验证结果与预测值接近,PC+Q59、云芝+Q59两处理的实际黄酮得率分别为1.51%、1.29%,分别比乙醇直接提取法提高了156.45%、108.06%。 To explore effective extraction methods of flavonoids from glycyrrhiza residues, uniform design was chosen to optimize the complex fermentation technics of Phanerochaete chrysosporium (PC) and cellulolytic strain Q59 combination and Trametes versicelor and cellulolytic strain Q59 combination, main factors were selected, and flavonoids extraction ratio was determined as responsible value. The results reveled that, the optimal theoretic conditions of flavonoids extraction ratio in the treatment of PC and Q59 combination were gained that 0.5 mL of strain PC and 2 mL of strain Q59 were inoculated into every 10 g glycyrrhiza residues, fermentation temperature was 30 %, material moisture was 61%, concentration of ammonium tartrate was 0.4 g/L, fermentation time was 3 d, under this condition, flavonoids extractionratio could be expected to reach 1.59%; in the treatment of Trametes versicolor and Q59 combination, the optimum parameters were determined that 5 pieces of Trametes versicolor hypha with dJameter 0.6 cm and 2 mL of strain Q59 were inoculated into every 10 g glycyrrhiza residues, fermentation temperature was 28 ℃, material moisture was 67%, concentration of ammonium tartrate was 0.1 g/L, fermentation time was 3 d, under this condition, flavonoids extraction ratio could be expected to reach 1.25%. The evincive results were close to the predicted values, the flavonoids extraction ratios in treatments of PC and Q59 combination and Trametes versicolor and Q59 combination were reached 1.51% and 1.29% respectively, which were higher of 156.45% and 108.06% than the yield obtained by ethanol extraction method.
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第3期229-232,共4页 Food Science and Technology
基金 新疆兵团青年科技创新资金专项(2010JC38) 新疆生产建设兵团塔里木盆地生物资源保护利用重点实验室开放课题(BR0804)
关键词 均匀设计 优化 混合发酵 甘草渣 黄酮 uniform design optimization mixed fermentation glycyrrhiza residues flavonoids
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