
试卷作文中副词回避倾向的语料库对比调查 被引量:2

A Corpus-based Investigation into the Avoidance of Adverbs in Test Writing
摘要 本研究应用卡方检验的方法对学习者的试卷作文和自由作文进行对比调查,观察两种写作状态下副词的使用是否具有显著性差异,是否存在考试状态下的回避倾向。研究发现:在考试状态和自由作文状态下,学习者使用的大部分修饰副词和频度副词并不存在显著差异。存在显著差异的副词中,部分副词在试卷作文中的使用反而多于自由作文。研究结果表明:某些语言结构的回避使用和另一些语言结构的过多使用可能同时存在于考试状态中。此外,回避现象不仅同母语和L2之间差异有关,也同学习者的语言水平有关。 An analysis is made to see if there is significant difference between the use of adverbs in test writing and free writing,aiming to find out whether learners avoid using certain adverbs in the tests.The findings show that there is no significant difference between the use of most modifying adverbs and frequency adverbs in two types of writing.Learners may also use certain adverbs more frequently in test writing than in free writing.The results indicate that,the avoidance and overuse of certain linguistic items may co-occur in the test writing.Furthermore,avoidance is not only related to the differences between the mother tongue and L2,but also related to the language level of learners.
作者 潘璠
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期44-47,66,共5页 Foreign Language Education
基金 华中科技大学人文社会科学项目"基于语料库的英语学习者中介语纵向发展研究"的部分研究成果
关键词 回避现象 修饰副词 频度副词 语料库 avoidance modifying adverbs frequency adverbs corpus
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