21世纪社区口腔卫生保健在我国的需求将呈上升趋势。根据对国外高等口腔医学专业教育考察 ,作者认为 ,国外发达国家在口腔医学教育和口腔医疗服务上的经验值得借鉴 ,在此基础上建立适合我国国情的口腔医学教育和口腔医疗服务模式。我国的口腔医疗服务体系应向“牙科诊所—牙病防治所—口腔医院”等三级口腔专科医疗机构管理模式发展 ,口腔医学教育体系也应由单一的口腔医学专业 ,向口腔颌面外科专业。
The growing acceptance of communal oral health care will come in our country in the 21 st century. According to having known another country state on dental education and oral health care, author believes to must learn from advanced experience on dental education and oral health care of the developed country, and to build a new model of dental education and oral health care at base of our country state. Oral health care system must to separate into three grade, and consisted of Dental hospital, Dental care central and Dental clinic. Dental education system must divide three parts, and consisted of Stomatology, Dentistry and Maxillofacial surgery.
Dental education Oral health care 21 st century