

Research on clamping force of wire saw for piles removal of process-based offshore discarded platform
摘要 海洋废弃平台拆除过程中可以采用绳锯机切断桩基,适当大小的夹紧力是绳锯机安全稳定工作的前提条件。介绍了绳锯机工作原理,分析了绳锯机夹紧过程中的外力作用过程,提出了基于过程的夹紧力非线性数学模型,在理论上对夹紧力的数学模型进行了分析,对夹紧力中各参量之间的因果对应关系也进行了解释。根据绳锯机的实际工作环境和相应参数,采用该模型求解了绳锯机的夹紧力,并且与其他夹紧力模型的求解结果进行了比较。最终设计出了绳锯机的夹紧装置和液压系统。 Piles may be cut off by wire saw in the course of piles removal on a discarded platform, where the proper clamping force is precondition for wire sawing security and stability work.Then the wire saw work principle is introduced.And the external force is analyzed during wire saw clamping process as well as a process-based clamping force nonlinear mathematical model is proposed.Afterwards the mathe- matical model for clamping force is analyzed in theory,and the causal corresponding relationship of the various parameters in clamping force are explained.A ccording to the wire saw actual work environment and the corresponding parameters ,the wire saw clamping force is solved using the model,which result is com- pared with others.Finally the wire saw clamping device and hydraulic system are designed.
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2012年第3期102-104,共3页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 国家863高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2002AA6020212-1) 中国海洋石油总公司技术发展项目(C/KJFH001-2005) 国家863高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2006AA09A105-4)
关键词 过程 废弃平台桩基 绳锯机 夹紧力 Process Discarded platform piles Wire saw Clamping force
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