

Computation and Analyze of the Phase Function of Cirrus Cloud
摘要 使用Mie散射理论和FDTD(finite difference time domain)算法,计算了冰晶粒子及其组成的卷云在2.14μm和3.72μm的相函数,讨论了冰晶组分、分布规律、波长及平均有效尺度对其影响.计算结果表明,入射光波长和有效尺度对卷云相函数起主要影响作用,而卷云的冰晶组分和分布规律对其影响不显著. Studying on High-altitude cirrus clouds become an important part of the research of remote sensing and meteorological as its effects on the transmission of infrared radiative. In this paper, the Mie scattering theory and the FDTD method are used to calculate the single-scattering phase function with ice particles and cirrus clouds in the bands of 2.14 μm and 3.72μm. And the influence of size distributions, percentages of ice crystals, wavelengths, and the average effective radius on phase function for mid-latitude cirrus clouds are discussed. The results show that the effec- tive radius and wavelength have an important influence on phase function of cirrus clouds, and the impact of the cirrus ice crystal composition and the size distribution is not significant.
出处 《武汉大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期109-112,共4页 Journal of Wuhan University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家地面智能集成观测及业务软件项目(GYHY201006049)资助
关键词 冰晶 卷云 红外 MIE理论 相函数 ice crystal cirrus infrared Mie theory phase function
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