
基于链路质量的无线传感器网络抗干扰路由协议 被引量:5

A Noise Aware Routing for Wireless Sensor Network Based on SNR
摘要 无线传感器网络在受灾环境下,局部区域受到干扰节点干扰,现有的路由协议信息的可靠传输受到影响。本文提出一种基于SNR的抗干扰的动态路由协议noise-aware-routing(NAR),应用物理层提供的信噪比作为选路代价,从而避开干扰区域。利用能量充足的目的节点基站,回复所有节点,从而减少了逐跳回复的路由开销,并且避免了性能良好的单向路径的丢失。最后用OPNET仿真验证了在不同源节点发包速率的情况下,NAR相对AODV协议在延迟、丢包率、路由开销等方面的性能提高。 Wireless sensor network in the Disaster area will be disturbed by the nodes working in the same sequence and the reliable information transmission of existing routing protocol can be affected. We proposed a noise aware dynamic routing (NAR)based on SNR. Using signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)as routing metrics, it can avoid the interference area. Using the enegry enough base station broadcast the reply message;it can save routing overhead and avoid the one-way path with good performance lost. The simulation results based on OPNET show that our routing protocol can reduce the end-to-end delay, the data drop rate and the routing overhead.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期87-93,共7页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60933012)
关键词 无线传感器网络 抗干扰 AODV:信噪比 :wireless sensor network noise-aware AODV signal-to-noise ratio
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